Technological platform "Technologies of ecological development"

The association of leading organizations from business, science and education in the field of environmental management and environmental safety was created on the initiative of the state in 2011. More than 300 organizations participate in the work of the platform - business and administrative, scientific and educational, public environmental.

The mission of the Technology Platform is to form a mechanism for improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the Russian economy based on the coordination of efforts of science, government, business and society to introduce environmentally efficient and energy-saving Russian technologies, solve environmental problems, and ensure environmental safety.

The field of activity is technologies of rational nature management, ensuring environmental safety and new eco-standards of human life, technologies for safe waste management, including the elimination of accumulated damage, monitoring, assessment and forecasting of the state of the environment, natural and man-made emergencies, the consequences of climate change, technologies that ensure the environmentally safe development of the Arctic zone, environmentally friendly production technologies, development of the environmental services market.

The platform provides information and discusses current environmental issues by all interested parties. Develops and amends legislative and regulatory documents. Develops the interaction of the expert community, business representatives and authorities in the area of TP competence. Implements innovative projects.

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