Fyodor Konyukhov International Travel Center

The Fyodor Konyukhov Travel Center is an association of like-minded people whose main task is to help organize and implement the projects of the legendary traveler.

Each expedition of the center is an opportunity to tell people about the problems of ecology, pollution of the oceans, to illuminate the little—studied corners of the planet, the most beautiful places of our Homeland. The center organized the most incredible journeys: crossing the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans on a catamaran, two turns of the Earth in a balloon, a flight into the stratosphere at an altitude of 25 km, a flight to the North Pole in a balloon, a trip around the earth on the energy of the sun.

The Travel Center offers to become a participant in an adventure that combines modern technology and the spirit of the novels of Jules Verne in the team of Fyodor Konyukhov.

The purpose of the organization is to promote conscious, eco-friendly travel both within the country and abroad. The center is useful for both beginners and experienced travelers who want to join the fascinating knowledge of the planet Earth.

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