The work of TASS in real time is provided by almost two thousand employees around the world.

Regional information centers in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg, dozens of offices in the regions of Russia, as well as 63 representative offices of the agency in 60 countries allow you to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. In 16 countries, TASS correspondents are the only representatives of the Russian media.

Every day, TASS issues about 2 thousand messages.

Modern digital projects and media resources are being developed under the TASS brand.

Every year, TASS organizes more than 1.3 thousand press conferences, educational and business events. Their participants are political leaders of Russia and foreign countries, representatives of the largest Russian and foreign companies, cultural, scientific and sports figures.

The agency maintains partnerships with more than 60 news agencies around the world.

The Agency is headed by the Russian National Committee of the UNESCO International Communications Development Program.

On September 1, 2020, TASS turned 116 years old.

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