Izvestia Information Center

The first and largest private multimedia information center - the Izvestia Information Center-began its work in 2017.

It was created on the basis of the news services of REN TV, Channel Five, the Izvestia newspaper, and also included a multimedia portal IZ.RU, round-the-clock TV channel "Izvestia" and the city TV channel of St. Petersburg "78".

The editorial offices of all the information resources included in the MIC work as a single news service that produces content for any environment in any format.

The monthly audience of the flagship portal IZ.RU has increased 3.6 times since then (by 263%), the total online audience of the Izvestia News Center today is more than 50 million people, the TV audience is more than 74 million people.

Izvestia produces informational content for REN TV and Channel 5 TV channels, which are among the top 5 most popular channels in Russia.

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