Russia Today Media Group

The media group "Russia Today" is the largest international media, the leader of citation among the Russian media

Public Television of Russia

Public Television of Russia is a federal TV channel focused primarily on what is happening in society. The TV channel was created on the initiative of Dmitry Medvedev in 2013…

Russian Media Group

One of the largest media holdings, which includes five radio stations: Russian Radio, MonteCarlo, Hit FM, DFM, radio MAXIMUM, as well as a music TV channel RU.TV


The leading state news Agency of Russia

TV Channel 360

The most current news of the country and the world, the best videos and stories

Freedom Strength Beauty Media Group

Secular glossy magazine, PR agency, project on Gold Radio "Become FSB, free, strong, beautiful"

Izvestia Information Center

The first and largest private multimedia information center

Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House

A Russian holding company with unique multimedia capabilities...

FederalPress Media Holding

Interregional Media Holding - the holding 's editorial offices are located in eight federal districts


The Federal News Agency REGNUM is one of the largest Russian mass media.

Detskoye Radio

Detskoye Radio is the only radio station in Russia focused on children's audience with a national broadcasting network...

Argumenty i Fakty Publishing House

The weekly magazine "Arguments and Facts" is one of the most authoritative and successful publications in Russia...

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