ANO "Center "Arctic Initiatives"

Autonomous non-profit organization "Arctic Initiatives Center" It was created to implement humanitarian, technological and other projects to ensure the development of the Russian Arctic.

When implementing projects, the organization acts not only as an expert performing evaluation and modeling, or as an integrator organizing the attraction of necessary investments and a full-fledged communication environment, but also as a customer, as well as a performer providing functional support through GR, PR, logistics lines, etc.

Currently, the ANO Center for Arctic Initiatives is working in the following areas:

  • preservation of native languages of indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic;
  • study of the polar bear population and marine mammals living in the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation;
  • study, preservation and popularization of the historical heritage of the Russian Arctic;
  • increasing the attractiveness of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation for international and domestic tourism;
  • reduction of dependence on hydrocarbons of enterprises operating in Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and leveling the problems associated with their use;
  • development of the Northern Sea Route as a competitive transport communication on the world market;
  • identification of effective ways to monetize hydrocarbons in remote and hard-to-reach regions of the Russian Arctic;
  • creation of regulatory and technical documentation defining the requirements for the activities of enterprises in Arctic zone of the Russian Federation;
  • organization of testing grounds for testing new technologies, equipment and materials intended for operation in Arctic conditions;
  • creation of a system for detecting, localizing and eliminating emergency spills of petroleum products and other aggressive media.

In the context of the work in these areas of the ANO "Center "Arctic Initiatives" actively cooperates with federal and regional state authorities, commercial and non-profit organizations, and the expert community. So, in particular, in March 2021, within the framework of the Energotechnohab Petersburg project, the Arctic Initiatives Center, the Administration of St. Petersburg, Gazprom-Neft PJSC and Yandex signed a key agreement on mutually beneficial cooperation, following which the Organization will help provide access to the test site system so that participants energotechnohaba had the opportunity to fully test new technologies and prototypes of modern equipment for oil and gas production in Arctic conditions.

The main mission of the Center for Arctic Initiatives is the safe and effective development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation as a strategic territory of the country, and, following it, the Organization makes every effort to preserve and increase Russia's potential in The Arctic.

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