ANO "Center "Arctic Initiatives"

Autonomous non-profit organization "Arctic Initiatives Center" created for the implementation of humanitarian, technological and other projects to ensure the development of the Russian Arctic…

Uralchem JSC

One of the world's largest producers and exporters of nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers

National Children's Center "Orlyonok"

National Children's Center "Orlyonok" is the largest federal state budget educational institution for recreation and health improvement of children in Russia. "Orlyonok" holds the status of a "UNESCO Associated School" and is a member of the International Camping Fellowship and the National Association of Children's Camps...

Higher School of Economics

One of the leading universities in Russia

Moscow Zoo

One of the oldest zoos in Europe

Grand hotel " Zhemchuzhina"

The Sochi " Zhemchuzhina" is a grand hotel on the Black Sea coast with a half-century of history...

Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education


The Russian leader in the petrochemical industry, the largest producer of polymers

Russian Football Union

All-Russian Public Organization Football Sports Federation

Mangazeya Development Company

A rapidly developing development company that has been implementing residential and commercial real estate projects since 2012

Charter LLC

The operator for the treatment of MSW in the territory of the SVAO and VAO of Moscow

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