Ecograd Magazine became an information partner of the Ecology – Everyone's Business Award

Ecograd magazine has become an information partner of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award.

The Moscow ecological magazine "Ecograd" has become an information partner of the International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business".

The publication will tell on the pages of its printed version about the most important news of the project. The magazine will also cover the events of the award on its official website .

The popular scientific ecological journal has been published since 2004. Its founder is the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow. The journal is dedicated to ecology and nature management, energy efficiency and climate change issues, as well as other issues closely related to environmental issues. For example, issues of environmental education and the development of a worldview.

After rebranding in November 2012, the magazine changed the design and subject matter of materials, becoming a popular publication for a wide audience. The different points of view expressed on the pages of the magazine can be a good reason for an exchange of views and a joint search for a way out of the environmental problems of today.

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