More than 70 boarding schools and orphanages received laptops for active participation in the award "Ecology is everyone's business

More than 70 correctional boarding schools, orphanages, orphanages and boarding schools for orphans, whose pupils took an active part in the international children's and youth award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business", received laptops. These are institutions from more than 20 regions of Siberia, the Far East, the Volga region, the Urals, the Northwest, the Center and the South of Russia. 

Laptops were transferred to institutions of Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territories, Chelyabinsk, Sakhalin, Ulyanovsk, Sverdlovsk, Moscow, Amur, Orenburg, Samara, Rostov, Saratov, Volgograd, Ivanovo, Vologda, Kursk, Tambov and Tula regions, Tatarstan, Kalmykia and KhMAO-Yugra.

"We are very glad that we were able to mention orphanages and boarding schools that actively participate in the award. This year, we have already accepted over 300 works from more than 70 orphanages from such institutions. I would like to wish you to continue to be active and continue to participate in the award. It is very important that teachers and heads of institutions talk about environmental problems. Ecology is everyone's business. If we change something together, even in elementary behavioral habits, then the surrounding world will be cleaner and healthier," said Svetlana Radionova, head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Environmental Management.

The Naro-Fominsk School for students with disabilities, whose students presented more than 20 works for the first season award, was among those awarded with a special prize. A pupil from the Engels social rehabilitation center "Family" Polina Kuznetsova made a cartoon about the disappearing red book tulip of Biberstein, calling in her work to protect this plant, which is not only very beautiful, but also used for pharmaceutical purposes.

The pupils of the Novomoskovskiy Center (Tula region), which mainly deals with children with intellectual disabilities, as well as with autistic spectrum and Down syndrome, presented a dance ecofleshmob with an appeal to protect nature for the award. 

Participants of the inclusive volunteer group "ProDobro.Ru" from the Nyagan Rehabilitation Center (KhMAO), where children with cerebral palsy, hearing impaired and visually impaired children are engaged, presented their eco-action for the creation of bird feeders for the award. After that, they and their parents installed handmade "bird canteens" on the territory of the forest.

The team "Children of a Special Planet (disabled children)" from the Stupinsky branch of the Association of Parents of Disabled Children of the Moscow region (ARDIP) presented a video at the award in which the guys drew attention to the problem of the disappearance of rare animals and plants.

"On behalf of the Charter company, I would like to note that the awarding of children and institutions within the framework of the Ecology is Everyone's Business award allowed us to once again verify the uniqueness of each child. These are talented children who have a completely adult attitude to the world around them. The lesson of ecological literacy conducted by the employees of the Charter company showed the readiness of children to respond to the problems of the surrounding world. Communication with the heads of educational and educational institutions showed their attitude to pupils and pupils as their own children. The importance of continuing good traditions, assistance during the award, as well as sponsorship and environmental education are an integral part of the life of any business community. It is necessary to help children so that they feel our support, so that their lives are brighter and more interesting, so that their dreams come true and they are happy," commented Andrey Pashchenko, Deputy Director of the Moscow Region branch of Charter LLC.

Charter LLC provided gadgets for orphanages and boarding schools awarded with the Ecology - Everyone's Business award.

In March last year, the award was established by Rosprirodnadzor to promote environmental culture among children and adolescents and encourage talented youth. In the first year of the project's existence, 9.5 thousand applications were received from all 85 regions of Russia and 28 countries of the world. 6000 works were accepted and over 650 were included in the final shortlist.

Children and teenagers from 6 to 17 years old can participate in the award. Applications are accepted until October 1, 2022. You can submit it on the website www.экологияделокаждого .The results of the competition will be announced in November after the completion of the jury's work. 

The general partner of the award is the ANO Center for Arctic Initiatives. 

Federal partners of the award: oil and gas production company JSC "RNG", JSC "Uralchem", VDC "Orlyonok", Grand hotel "Pearl". The project was supported by the Soyuzmultfilm film studio, the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren, and the Club of Good People charity foundation.

The general information partner was MIA "Russia Today", the general radio partner was Business FM. The information partners were: MIR TV channel, Komsomolskaya Pravda Publishing House, Izvestia, Regnum FIA, Children's Radio, TASS-Newm information and educational project, Fanabi, Moscow ecological magazine EkoGrad, Amitel news agency. 

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