REGNUM has become an information partner of the Ecology – Everyone's Business award

The Federal News Agency REGNUM has become an information partner of the International Children's and Youth Award of Rosprirodnadzor "Ecology is everyone's business".

On its site, one of the largest mass media in Russia will tell about the most important news of the project and share them on the website . 

IA REGNUM was founded in 2002 to distribute news from Russia, near and far abroad. 

REGNUM broadcasting is carried out on the territories of the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the countries of Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Regnum correspondents cover world events, the agency conducts its own analysis of political, economic and socially significant events, publishes comments, reviews and prepares reports.

In 2009, the Regnum news agency took 1st place in the TOP 100 Internet media of 2009 and 2nd place in the TOP 100 Most mentioned brands of the Runet, is the winner of the National Award of Russia "Runet Award - 2006".

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