The prize "Ecology is everyone's business" is exactly one year old!

The prize "Ecology is everyone's business" is exactly one year old!

On April 1, 2021, the reception of applications from young ecologists for participation in the International Prize "Ecology is everyone's business", held under the auspices of Rosprirodnadzor, started. During the first season alone, about 10 thousand applications were received from guys from Russia and 28 countries of the world. For several months, children and teenagers have been sending their photos, drawings, cartoons and videos in which they talked about the importance of preserving plant and animal diversity for the future of planet Earth and the need to protect the environment. 

And now the acceptance of works for participation in the second season of the award "Ecology is everyone's business" has already been opened. Each author is unique, each idea is interesting in its own way.

Join the community of concerned conservationists and share your ideas by participating in the 2022 Prize!

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