The Association of Eco-schools "Leaders of Sustainable Development" supported the International Children's and Youth Award "Ecology is everyone's business"

The Association of Eco-Schools "Leaders of Sustainable Development" is a non-profit network association of schools, universities and expert organizations with the aim of improving environmental literacy and skills of schoolchildren (grades 6-11) creation and management of projects in the field of ecology and sustainable development.

The main idea of the project corresponds to the world approaches to solving environmental problems through education and is to teach students to participate in making decisions that determine future development.

The project was initiated in 2018 by the HSE Institute of Ecology with the support of the Presidential Council for Human Rights and Civil Society and the Technology Platform "Technologies of Environmental Development", as well as the student organization "Green Tower", representatives of public organizations and business partners from among the leading companies in the field of sustainable development.

The main idea of the project corresponds to the world approaches to solving environmental problems through education and is to teach students to participate in making decisions that determine future development.

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